LRF (Living Room Fit) Philosophy
Buying online isn’t always easy and we understand that. And selling 'online-only' also has its challenges. So we try to provide the best possible information to help inform your purchase decisions. We want your first pair to be the perfect pair!
Most of our product pages include beautiful, high resolution 360 spins so that you can clearly see all of the design details. We reinforce that with with an Unboxing Video for each unique model that helps reiterate some of the design details while bringing the product to life just a little bit.
On top of that there are bullet-point highlights of the glove's characteristics, cross sections of the insulation build-ups, and a comparison pyramid that positions each glove in relative warmth position.
There are also Fit Notes (example here) specific to each model that outline the intended fit per that design. Look for these above the product detail descriptions.
We’re continuously adding additional content to make your decision making as informed as possible.
Make sure to access and utilize all of these resources to help ensure that you’re spending your time and money on a pair of gloves that will meet your expectations.
Because we hate to see product go to waste we humbly ask that you please try to abide by the LRF (Living Room Fit) Philosophy. If you can make the effort to determine that the gloves will meet your needs once you receive them while keeping them in new condition that will be ideal for everyone!
- Try them on
- Wear them around the house
- Stand on your front porch in freezing conditions
- Hold your ski poles
- Wear your jacket
- Stare at yourself in the mirror
- And think ahead, will these meet your expectations in full service?
- But please keep them clean and dry
We can then easily replace or refund the product AND retrieve it back from you in hopes of finding a new happy pair of hands elsewhere if you believe they won't be suitable.
Unfortunately, once the gloves are used we of course can’t sell them again. In a world of too much waste we’re hopeful that we can avoid it whenever possible. And as a very small and privately owned business, it’s incredibly helpful for us to be able to earn back the money we spend on inventory so that we can stay afloat and continue to offer what we believe is really rad product at super fair prices.
So PLEASE join the effort. Utilize our online resources. Make an informed purchase decision. And respect the LRF philosophy!!
Brett, Andy, Jay